Colored Tooth Fillings in Rockledge

Gone are the days, when dental non-bonded amalgam composite filling was made by using a composed mixture of plastic and fine glass particles for restorative purposes. The trajectory has moved from traditional filling to advanced colored tooth filling to mimic the natural shade of the teeth. Moreover, Smiles of Viera has become an eminent solution for colored tooth fillings in Rockledge.

Currently, tooth-colored filling, regular teeth cleaning, etc have become a harmonious blend when it comes to thwarting flawless natural-looking smiles. Smiles of Viera guarantees that these all-new versions of the dentistry process ensure 100% comfortable teeth restorations. 

The process of Tooth-Colored Fillings Involves several key Steps-

  1. Assessment– When the tooth starts decaying, dental fillings executed by your orthodontists are considered to be the best treatment for repairing the damage. Smiles of Viera, which is profoundly the best clinic for Aesthetic fillings in Rockledge follow every step carefully starting from the patient’s tooth assessment.
  2. Anesthesia- Now your dentist will inject a local anesthesia sedative blocking the pain signal prioritizing the patient’s comfort and safety. You can schedule your appointment from the leading hospital extensively known for broken tooth fillings in Rockledge.
  3. Removal of Decay- Your endodontist specialist will gently loosen decayed teeth and carefully remove the decayed or damaged portion by using a sterilized disinfected sickle probe.
  4. Tooth Preparation- The patient’s tooth is cleaned and shaped properly to prepare them for fillings. There are several types of filling material and the most popular is the Composite White Fillings to repair or restore your teeth.
  5. Etching and Bonding- Tooth Colored Fillings in Rockledge are mainly known for their durability and resistance power. In this step, your dental surgeon will delicately apply an acid gel to induce a better micro-rough surface texture.
  6. Application of Tooth-Colored Filling Material-  In this process, your dentist will place individual tooth-colored composite resin layers under moderate pressure so on and so forth, aiming to achieve its complete hardening full strength.
  7. Curing- Ultimately, we are one of the prominent leading options for colored tooth fillings in Rockledge. The dentist at Smiles of Viera adheres to all the steps effectively while performing the cosmetic restorative process. We use the blue wavelength light(blue wand) to accelerate the hardening of the tooth-colored material.
  8. Polishing- Dental fillings are made to repair and maintain a natural- vibrant smile. It is important to smooth polishing after the material has been placed properly to create a glossy surface blending with natural tooth enamel.
  9. Adjustments- Adjustments are made very carefully. The step involves optimizing the teeth’ functionality like chewing, speaking, and other oral functions efficiently. 
  10. Final Assessment- We guarantee to provide high-quality dental filling in Rockledge blending with the natural tooth.
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Elevate Your Smile Confidence - Smiles of Viera
Tooth Colored Composite Resin
Ceramic inlays on the tooth


Dental tooth-colored fillings are used to repair cracked or broken teeth through a combination of metals like gold, porcelain, or silver amalgam or plastics and other materials. They are the new composite restoration versions that are designed to complete the natural look.
Smiles of Viera in Rockledge is renowned for the best Tooth-colored fillings that can last for more than 10 years, contouring your natural beauty with a beautiful smile. You need to keep your teeth clean and maintain adequate oral hygiene practices.
This is aesthetically appealing, good durability resistant, and the best preventive option to protect against further decay and damage to the teeth. Composite dental fillings are the safest option if you wish to consider them for restoring damaged and unhealthy teeth.
Silver color dental fillings made from mercury, tin, copper, zinc, and silver are the most common therapeutic traditional treatment for repairing tooth damage. Tooth-coloured fillings also called white fillings closely match the natural tooth color.

However, both tooth-colored and silver fillings are the most esthetic and long-lasting alternatives.
The average cost for tooth-colored filling is between $90- $450 depending on the dental issue. However, choosing the right dental practice for your oral problem that exceeds your expectations is of utmost importance. Smiles of Viera is the most trusted dental clinic that provides cost-effective preventive solutions.

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 5:00 pm
SaturdayAs Per Prior Booking
Sunday Closed

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us for medical assistance