Procedure of Root Canal Therapy

Everything You Need to Know about the Procedure of Root Canal Therapy

Recently, a noticeable trend of root canal problems has become increasingly common among people and has sparked concern. Significant contributors to this rise include modern dietary habits and contemporary lifestyles. However, thanks to our advanced dental technologies, as we have a cornerstone of cost-effective endodontics canal 

treatments to increased dental problems, leading to various health complications. This is also popularly known as endodontic therapy. Moreover, with studies showing the success rates of pulp canal treatments, let us explore the procedure of root canal therapy which is considered the most enduring technique.  Before beginning the article, let me brief you about what is a root canal. 

What is a root canal- This is an endodontic therapy that remained a highly effective method for decades and despite the growing dental concerns, the root canal treatment is multifaceted to diagnose various dental issues and helps to maintain your natural smile. Seeking root canal therapy treatment for dental problems like tooth decay, cavities, swollen gums, pulp nerve damage, etc fortunately helps in repairing a severely damaged innermost layer of the tooth and stops the spread of the infection. Often, people avoid undergoing a pulp canal procedure; therefore, resulting in the formation of a pocket of pus, called an acute abscess. Moreover, if you fear visiting the dentist, the untreated pulp can lead to serious complications and sepsis. As most people develop dental apprehension and dentophobia; therefore, the article perspicuously explains the detailed and brief procedure of root canal therapy to overcome your dental anxiety.

Procedure Details- As we learned, the endodontics canal method helps in removing the most common bacteria ( streptococci, staphylococci, and anaerobes) from the innermost layer of the infected teeth. Normally, these bacteria form a hole in the innermost portion of the teeth that contains nerves, blood vessels, specialized cells, and connective tissues, leading to pulp- chambers. There are two types of pulp formation namely: Reversible pulpitis and Irreversible pulpitis. There is no need to worry, the inflammation of the pulp is treatable. Let me quickly acquaint the procedure of root canal therapy in this segment. There are four components of the teeth- dentin, enamel, cementum, and pulp. The pulp is the soft portion/ tissue beneath the enamel.

  1. Your endodontics examines the infected pulp through dental X-rays and sedates the patient from local anesthesia. 
  2. The surgeon will use a sterilized Gates-Glidden drill tool to drill the tiny hole in the infected tooth and nearby gum.     
  3. Next, the healthcare provider cleans the pulp chamber and root canals and seals your teeth with the gutta-percha material. 
  4.  The dental crowns are placed over the treated teeth after two to three weeks.

Need of root canal 

Endodontic treatment means inside the tooth, and the method continues to stand as a testament to advanced and modern dental care services. The endodontic treatment itself is a reliable solution for various attributed root canal problems. The valuable technique was founded in the year 1838 and since then, the method has been healing millions of people around the world. Date back to ancient times, the procedure has evolved and begun to take place in the modern endodontics field. 

The below diagram determines the difference between a healthy tooth and pulpitis formed inside the soft inner portion of your teeth. Consult your nearby dentist, if you experience a severe toothache or excessive grinding of the teeth.

Up until now, we came to know that the pulp canal therapy process is a straightforward and effective method. Hence, this segment quickly highlights the risks included in the therapy along with the major benefits and recovery status. 

Risks  You may have a pulp canal if your teeth hurt more than a week and you might have an infected tooth. This is considered the safest process and hardly there are any rare cases, where endodontics therapy does not withstand the process. 

  1. During the Procedure- Sometimes, the dental procedure damages the nerve around the infected teeth. Moreover, the technique can lead to sinus infection post-endodontic treatment.
  2. After the Procedure- Moreover, the technique can lead to sinus infection post-endodontic treatment. It is also possible to have a whilst infection; however, you can fully eradicate the infection after going through the root canal surgeries performed by the dentist.   

Benefits Thanks to the modern endodontics canal process, the inflamed and infected pulp is properly removed from the inside tooth without any pain. There are countless benefits of root canal treatment that can last a lifetime. 

  • The most efficient and cost-effective method.
  • Less invasive( surgical) and painless procedure.
  • Can restore your natural smile and give visually appealing results.
  • Completely removes the infection formed in the pulp chambers.
  • This is probably the best option that prevent further life-threatening complications.

Recovery It takes three hours to follow the procedure and mostly two dental sessions to restore your chewing function and ability. You can come out within two days from the pain and return to your normal routine in seven days. It is always advisable to follow the basic prall hygiene process and consult the practicing dental surgeon every six- months.

I believe after going through the procedure of root canal therapy, I have overcome your greatest fear about the kind of treatment.

Additional Common Questions

How can I avoid a root canal?

As we know the specialized dental surgeon or an endodontist removes the infected pulp and chronic inflammation formed inside of the tooth due to cavity or weakened old tooth filings. Therefore, to avoid or reduce the chance of a root canal problem you need to brush twice a day, floss once a day, drink plenty of water, avoid eating acidic food, and take care of your tongue to lower the risk of cavities.

What happens if I delay root canal treatment?

In terms of delaying the root canal treatment and procedures, the infected pulp in your teeth develops a periapical tooth abscess that can spread to other parts of your body causing life-threatening complications. Moreover, it is highly recommended to consult a practicing healthcare professional when the soft tissue inside your pulp canal causes irritation and pain before leading to the most advanced medical problems. 

Smiles of Viera guarantees to offer natural-looking and long-lasting operative gums and teeth.

Do root canals hurt?

During the root canal or endodontics therapy, the patients are given local anesthesia that numbs the targeted part of the body by stopping nerves from passing signals to the brain. These anesthetic medicines make you temporarily unconscious which helps in preventing the feeling of pain and discomfort during the pulp canal treatment. 

Hence, restorative therapy is not painful since the patient a given mild anesthesia( that does not exceed 150 mg per dose). 

A Note From Smiles Of Viera


As the above segments in the article highlighted the complete procedure of root canal therapy; therefore, let us discuss the specialized top-notch dental clinic that adheres to quality care and comfortable restorative treatments.

Hence, when it comes to choosing the right dental clinic for intricated root canal procedures, Smiles of Viera is regarded as the clear choice for orthodontics services. The dental clinic has earned its reputation for its world-class dental restorative treatments with numerous successful outcomes and exceptional dental care. Smiles of Viera, located in Rockledge, Florida is highly dedicated to excellence, where your smile is their priority. Moreover, you can refer to our patients’ testimonials and reviews to glean information and credibility built on their satisfaction. Moreover, the practicing dental surgeon has a proven success record of about 95% endodontist therapy and restorative dental services. The prosthodontist is certainly an expert having a compassionate approach to treating patients at an affordable price who have dental problems. The dental clinic offers a comprehensive wide range of cosmetic dental surgeries to achieve a beautifully aligned smile. 

Consult the doctor at for authentic dental treatments.