A Complete Overview of Different Types of Dental Implants and Techniques

A Complete Overview of Different Types of Dental Implants and Techniques

The tooth/ dental restorative treatment has witnessed revolutionary advancements in recent years and has reshaped the landscape of restorative dentistry. Among the most transformative methods, artificial tooth root appliances are considered an effective and convenient option for many patients. Moreover, in addition to their functional benefits, different types of dental implants nowadays can restore your […]
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Care After Tooth Extraction

Steps to Care After Tooth Extraction: Quick Recovery

Many people think dental extraction, tooth pulling, and exodontia an unpleasant experiences. This is viewed as the most uncomfortable dental procedure by most individuals. Traditionally, in the past, the methods involved significant pain and discomfort leading to traumatic experiences for patients. However, modern techniques and advancements have revolutionized with high-precision tools and technologies making the […]
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Procedure of Root Canal Therapy

Everything You Need to Know about the Procedure of Root Canal Therapy

Recently, a noticeable trend of root canal problems has become increasingly common among people and has sparked concern. Significant contributors to this rise include modern dietary habits and contemporary lifestyles. However, thanks to our advanced dental technologies, as we have a cornerstone of cost-effective endodontics canal  treatments to increased dental problems, leading to various health […]
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